Rayman 4: really scare game!

One day I was bord. I have watched Tv for a whole day and I kinda
felt like playing a video game. Sadily, I put my games for sale years
ago! So  I got on my car and turnd it on. I drove to my game Stop.
I walk into the store and looked around for a good game to play.
Unfortunely all the playstations and xboxs where too expensive
for me to purchise so I setled for a playststion 2! I needed just
a game in order for me to play it! I asked the counter guy for
a game for my new Playstatoin. He handed a game that had the
title of "Rayman 4"
I have had played a Rayman game before when I was a bit younger.
I don't remember witch 1 I play but I remember that it had robot
pirates in it! He says that it was the only game they have available
for playstation 2 so I take it.
I took my new game and video game console back to my home and I
put on my new playstation 2! I stuck the game into the playstation
and the Ubi-soft logo pops up. After it was finished the loading
scern pops up. Ater that I got into the title page!
It showed a bathroon that kinda looked like the one from the saw
movie. I deside on newgame and played the game. I landed in
level one. Half of texutres where missing form the game and the
Rayman character wias missing  a head and and left hand!
Text poped up saying that to move with controller stick. I moved
and the hgame started to glitch and frezze like crazy. And then
face of a rather very deformd face of a man. And text saying
My playstation preceeded to exploded! I am reallt  frighted for
my life! I'm writing this stroy so people will try and hear it